verbs to change my life…and 10 piles

November 21, 2006

I face one, two, three, four (still counting…) 10 stacks on my desk. Under one of those piles lays (lies?) – patiently waiting – a copy of Getting Things Done by David Allen.

David, I want to read your book. Really. You look so charming and ready to change my life. But I don’t have time to read much. So I listen to your podcasts. And I read your blog. Loved this blog entry about project verbs. I think these really could help. But not as much as I’d be helped if you would come and be my assistant for about 21 days.

Here’s a taste of the project verbs David suggests: finalize, look into, organize, resolve, submit, implement, update.

And some fab next-action verbs: call, buy, fill out, take, gather, print, review, find.

I’m inspired.

effective e-mailing

November 7, 2006

There are days I’m about file for divorce from e-mail. Being a Christian, I can’t so I might just go for a legal separation while I cool off.

Is it just me or is e-mail like missing a week of class in college? You get behind and never quite recover.

Maybe I can’t control the inflow in my inbox, but I can always grow in how I craft e-mails. These 12 tips on effective e-mailing I ran across today that might be my 12-step program.

Hi, my name’s Angie….